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Before you, the last part of the decalogue. After studying it, you will surely know what questions to ask – yourself and your future trainer – before you start individual training sessions together.


I did not go to medicine because I could not imagine completing the mortuary. You will say that my approach comes from complexes and unfulfilled ambitions. Maybe. However, I really believe that the profession of a personal trainer, physiotherapist, and dietitian should follow the same principle that applies to doctors. First, do no harm. And it is a pity that it is so rarely remembered today. It is important that the personal trainer has a wide range of training methods. It’s silly if I try to apply them all in one training session, especially with a novice client. More and more often I observe personal trainers who seem to forget that personal training is supposed to serve the client’s goal, not our shine in the gym. By security, therefore, I understand not only making sure that the barbell does not fall over the head, but also responsible design of the program of each training session, attention to the client and his needs (changing with increasing training experience), appropriate selection of loads, training volume and intensity. But safety also means having a registered business activity by an individual trainer, liability insurance against broken noses during training (true story my friend), as well as specific conditions of cooperation with a given fitness club. It all proves the responsibility and maturity of a person calling himself a personal trainer. The client may not feel the need to sneak or sneak in the place of exercise, he must also be able to receive an invoice for the purchased services. The “gray area”, concealment, and ambiguity do not have a good effect on the training process.


In psychology, it is about setting no limits. And I feel that this is such a profession. A client who decides to do personal training must have the feeling of being cared for. This means flexible – and not fully defined – working hours for his individual trainer. The work of a good personal trainer does not end with the last minute of personal training. The individual trainer, in the manner indicated by the name, approaches his pupils. Or at least it should. Sometimes it means joint grocery shopping, other times receiving an evening phone call from a customer who asks what dish to choose in a restaurant or has a crisis and thinks about eating meringue, often it is finding, ordering and delivering the necessary supplements or preparing a training plan that can be implemented in the room hotel during a business trip or on vacation. You will laugh that maybe even walking the dog and picking up the children from school is included in the scope of the service. But I am firmly convinced that this job is about accessibility and staying connected.


I don’t really feel all these social networks. But I know that such times, and specialists in marketing and other PRs teach that you need to have and update it on a regular basis. Since this is what the modern world looks like … Pay attention to whether the personal trainer with whom you plan to start cooperation, apart from photos of his good person in the mirror, also shows any work with his clients. And I’m not talking about spectacular metamorphoses processed in Photoshop. I think more about where and what the trainer focuses his attention on… himself or his pupils. Satisfied customers, living people who have survived this cooperation, or even better – are still in it – are in my opinion the strongest argument for “for”. Reasonable and rewarding choices this spring! 🙂 Before you, the last part of the decalogue. After studying it, you will certainly know what questions to ask – yourself and your future trainer – before you start individual training sessions together.


I did not go to medicine because I could not imagine completing the mortuary. You will say that my approach comes from complexes and unfulfilled ambitions. Maybe. However, I really believe that the profession of a personal trainer, physiotherapist, and dietitian should follow the same principle that applies to doctors. First, do no harm. And it is a pity that it is so rarely remembered today. It is important that the personal trainer has a wide range of training methods. It’s silly if I try to apply them all in one training session, especially with a novice client. More and more often I observe personal trainers who seem to forget that personal training is supposed to serve the client’s goal, not our shine in the gym. By security, therefore, I understand not only making sure that the barbell does not fall over the head, but also responsible design of the program of each training session, attention to the client and his needs (changing with increasing training experience), appropriate selection of loads, training volume and intensity. But safety also means having a registered business activity by an individual trainer, liability insurance against broken noses during training (true story my friend), as well as specific conditions of cooperation with a given fitness club. It all proves the responsibility and maturity of a person calling himself a personal trainer. The client may not feel the need to sneak or sneak in the place of exercise, he must also be able to receive an invoice for the purchased services. The “gray area”, concealment, and ambiguity do not have a good effect on the training process.


In psychology, it is about setting no limits. And I feel that this is such a profession. A client who decides to do personal training must have the feeling of being cared for. This means flexible – and not fully defined – working hours for his individual trainer. The work of a good personal trainer does not end with the last minute of personal training. The individual trainer, in the manner indicated by the name, approaches his pupils. Or at least it should. Sometimes it means joint grocery shopping, other times receiving an evening phone call from a customer who asks what dish to choose in a restaurant or has a crisis and thinks about eating meringue, often it is finding, ordering and delivering the necessary supplements or preparing a training plan that can be implemented in the room hotel during a business trip or on vacation. You will laugh that maybe even walking the dog and picking up the children from school is included in the scope of the service. But I am firmly convinced that this job is about accessibility and staying connected.


I don’t really feel all these social networks. But I know that such times, and specialists in marketing and other PRs teach that you need to have and update it on a regular basis. Since this is what the modern world looks like … Pay attention to whether the personal trainer with whom you plan to start cooperation, apart from photos of his good person in the mirror, also shows any work with his clients. And I’m not talking about spectacular metamorphoses processed in Photoshop. I think more about where and what the trainer focuses his attention on… himself or his pupils. Satisfied customers, living people who have survived this cooperation, or even better – are still in it – are in my opinion the strongest argument for “for”. Reasonable and rewarding choices this spring! 🙂