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Tennis player training

In the case of a tennis player, strength training is a very important element that should be paid attention to if we want to achieve good results on the court. The physical effort accompanying the game on the court is very high. Both the upper and lower parts of the body, as well as the entire torso, are loaded. All this makes strength training for a tennis player an indispensable part of the preparation cycle. It should also be remembered that failure to strengthen all muscle groups may increase the risk of injury. MIND YOUR BODY offers all tennis lovers personal training, which will allow you to prepare your body for this demanding sport, and thus achieve much better results on the court.


Za wszystko odpowiada wykwalifikowany zespół trenerów i fizjoterapeutówl, który ma dużą wiedzę i doświadczenie, umożliwiające stworzenie spersonalizowanego planu działania, spełniającego oczekiwania stawiane przez naszych Klientów. Jeśli chcesz w sposób bezpieczny i profesjonalny zwiększyć swoją siłę i wytrzymałość oraz zbudować lepszą sylwetkę, zapraszamy do skorzystania z naszych usług.

Strength and endurance are motor qualities that every tennis player should be able to boast of

Proper training in the gym will help you become a better and more complete player.


Tennis training in the gym should be holistic, i.e. focused on the development of the whole body. The upper body is exposed to various types of overload while playing. Therefore, in the case of training, muscle strength and mobility in this area should be a priority. A good solution at the beginning may be to perform exercises with a light load, in the form of dumbbells, bars or your own body weight, followed by the progression of kilograms. Our trainers will also take care of your body. The muscles of the abdomen and back are the key to the impact force. Many injuries in tennis players are caused by the lack of proper preparation and strengthening of the legs. Therefore, it is equally important to work on building strength and muscular endurance in the lower body parts. A personal trainer will allow for a better preparation of the player who will gain more confidence on the court. Take advantage of the MIND YOUR BODY offer. Our many years of experience guarantee the highest quality of services provided.