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Much has been said about classic massage. After all, it is one of the most popular techniques for influencing the body through touch. We use it both for therapeutic purposes – mainly in the case of orthopedic or neurological ailments, but often only to restore the balance of the myofascial system. Therapeutic massage is considered to be one of the most effective types of therapy for the musculoskeletal system.

Perhaps it will also be beneficial for you – especially when you struggle with the following diseases:

  • back pain, posture defects,
  • conditions after limb immobilization due to dislocation, fracture or sprain,
  • musculoskeletal overload states,
  • muscle injuries, contractures or excessive muscle tension.

Remember, however, that it is best if you put yourself in the hands of a specialist. This type of massage, although the most common, requires considerable knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body and only a qualified person should decide if it will be appropriate for you. Otherwise, it may even do more harm than good. Properly performed therapeutic massage has an extremely positive effect on tissues and muscles. The first effects are often noticeable after just one treatment, but to consolidate them, it is worth using a series of about 10 sessions.

Considering a therapeutic massage?

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During the classical massage, standard techniques are used, such as: stroking, rubbing, kneading, tapping, vibration, pressing, shaking. Some diseases exclude the possibility of using some of them, so the medical history that we conduct with you before starting the procedure is very important.

The duration of the massage depends on the type of ailments and the scope of massaged places – it can be the whole body (full body), but just as well only its individual areas (local). Ultimately, the best solution is to spend about 60 minutes. Initial sessions may be slightly shorter to allow the body to gradually get used to the touch. The massage is performed in the direction in which the blood flows – i.e. towards the heart. Even if it turns out that you belong to people with a low pain threshold, you do not need to worry. Our physiotherapists know exactly what pressure to use. You don’t have to worry, on the contrary – try it and see for yourself what healing power a classic massage has.