Body mass index counter (bmi)
The BMI index is used to assess whether your current body weight is normal. This is done on the basis of the ratio of weight (expressed in kilograms) to height (expressed in meters). The BMI index is a general indicator that can help adult men and women determine their current form. The BMI indicator will allow you to easily find out whether your lifestyle and diet are appropriate. It is also the first step that can tell you whether you should go to a specialist for help. This label also has a significant impact on the risk assessment of diseases related to overweight and obesity, including diabetes, ischemic heart disease or atherosclerosis. Calculate BMI for adults with our calculator – enter your height and weight and find out your BMI index!
Understanding the body mass index
Knowing your BMI is one step closer to knowing your overall health. Learn how to interpret your BMI results.
If your BMI is below 18.5:
Your BMI is underweight. Remember that having a body mass index that is too low can cause health risks. In this case, please consult your doctor for more information on BMI calculations.
If your BMI is between 18.5 – 24.9:
This body mass index is considered normal. This healthy weight helps reduce your risk of serious health problems and means you are close to achieving your training goals.
If your BMI is above 30:
The BMI indicates obesity. Obesity may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Consider making lifestyle changes through healthy eating and exercise to improve your fitness. Our personal trainers will help you return to the path of a healthy lifestyle!
Sprawdzony kalkulator bmi dla dorosłych
The above BMI calculator is intended only for adults, as the BMI index for children must be compared with the given age group (percentile grids). The BMI index has advantages and disadvantages. The biggest advantages include the fact that the index is easy to calculate and the operation is not complicated. In addition, information that you are deviating from the norm can be an extremely valuable clue for motivating you to change your lifestyle. Moreover, studies show that adults with a BMI index in the range of 18.5-25 enjoy better health and a lower incidence of lifestyle diseases directly related to diet, such as atherosclerosis or diabetes. The BMI index also has its drawbacks. The greatest of these is the failure to take into account many factors, including muscle mass and bone thickness. Additionally, the calculator should not be used by pregnant women, children under 14 and the elderly, as the result may not be reliable.
Women and men BMI
The BMI index for women and men is calculated using the same formula, however, remember that women store more body fat by nature. Moreover, not so much the amount of adipose tissue as its distribution is important in preventing overweight, obesity and related diseases. Abdominal obesity is much worse than obesity around the hips, thighs and buttocks, which women most often struggle with. It is important to consult the result with a specialist who has the appropriate education and experience, so please contact our trainers! The team of MIND YOUR BODY experts is waiting just for you – together we will go with you to the desired goal!
BMI index history
The BMI index, which is called the Quetelet II index, was developed in the first half of the 19th century by a Belgian mathematician with this very name. The relationships between the relevant components of the formula have been supported by many years of research on a group of over a hundred volunteers. Interestingly, the main assumption of the research was the desire to define the unified causes of death in individual countries and to formulate the shape of the average person at that time. Less than a century later, the BMI index was updated and renamed by the American physiologist Ancel Keys and functions as the Body Mass Index (BMI Index) to this day.