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Caloric demand calculator (kcal)

Energy is one of the most important parameters necessary for life. Your body needs energy to carry out every daily activity. Moreover, your body uses energy even while breathing and sleeping. This energy comes from the food you eat every day, and its content in food is measured in units of kilocalories. The caloric demand counter is a great tool that will allow you to calculate how many calories you need to consume during the day, depending on your training goal. To calculate your caloric needs with the help of the calculator below, you only need a few parameters: gender, age, weight and height. You should also define your level of activity and the chosen goal. Finished!

Caloric values of the products

Probably counting calories is one of the first things that comes to your mind, no matter what training goal you choose. You need to know that we are not in favor of this approach (obsessive counting calories for each meal), but if you want to gain a general overview, see the tables below:

Caloric value for popular fruit
Apple1 medium80
Banana1 medium101
Strawberry1 glass53
Caloric value in vegetables
Broccoli1 glass40
Carrot1 glass45
Eggplant1 glass38
Lettuce1 glass7
Caloric value for basic products
Bread1 slice75
Beef1 slice120
Pizza1 piece180
Caloric value for popular drinks
Coca-cola1 glass97
Diet cola1 glass3
Skim milk1 glass104
Milk1 glass150
Orange juice1 glass115

These are just some of the products and it would obviously be difficult to list all the food on the market here. In addition, we would like to emphasize that our qualified and experienced team wants your recovery and health to be a kind of pleasure for you, not a nuisance. Yes, effective training requires following certain nutritional rules, but their main goal is not to make life difficult, but rather to improve its quality. This is why our experts are reluctant to count calories every day, but we consider it important to calculate the total caloric intake.

Caloric demand calorator – how it works?

Calculations in the caloric balance calculator are very precise if all the necessary factors are taken into account. One of the basic parameters determining a person’s energy needs is their gender. It has been known for a long time that the energy needs of women and men are different. Men usually have a much greater amount of muscle tissue in relation to body fat and the burning of calories in the male body is simply much faster. In women, this relationship is often the opposite and therefore calories in a woman’s body are burned more slowly. The second parameter is age, because it is precisely with the passage of time that the metabolism slows down, which has a direct impact on lower caloric consumption and, consequently, lower caloric demand. The last parameter is physical activity. It must be remembered that the larger and more intense, the more calories from valuable meals you should provide to your body.

Caloric requirement – important information

The daily energy (caloric) requirement is nothing more than the amount of energy that must be supplied to the body in food each day to cover energy expenditure resulting from basic metabolism and additional physical activity. Moreover, providing the body with the daily energy requirement in qualitatively valuable food is a prerequisite for maintaining a constant weight. The standard assumption is that the average caloric requirement for women is about 2000 kcal, and for men 2500 kcal. If you want to increase or decrease your body weight, this value goes up or down accordingly. Additionally, it should be remembered that the demand changes during intense exercise, during pregnancy, puerperium and breastfeeding, and during puberty (rapid growth and development of the organism).

Caloration of the caloric demand – why is it worth?

The caloric demand calculator will be a great tool not only for people who want to lose weight, but also for those who need to gain weight, e.g. after a long recovery period associated with surgery, or for other health reasons or body preferences. It is also a great help in the case of rehabilitation to adjust the amount of calories taken to the current fitness, and thus the level of physical activity. This calculator will allow you to regain control over healthy eating, especially in conjunction with expert advice and professional guidelines of the MIND YOUR BODY team of experts. Please also note that the caloric demand meter above is intended for adults only and is not suitable for pregnant women.