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KMax weight calculator, bench press

Strength training is not the easiest type of sport technically, but it is extremely effective, especially if done correctly. It can also be great support during rehabilitation or convalescence. Experienced MIND YOUR BODY trainers often recommend this type of activity to their pupils. However, you need to know your limitations. The load calculator is a great tool thanks to which you can easily estimate the maximum weight per one repetition of the barbell bench press. The strength calculator is also a great help in determining and determining the assumed level of progress in bench press, i.e. training progression. In the calculator, just enter the value of the lifted weight and the number of repetitions, and after a while you will get the result, which is your maximum weight.

Chest suspension calculator – why should you use it?

Qualified coaches in the MIND YOUR BODY team create training programs based on certain assumptions. These assumptions are the result of a detailed interview with the student / ward and the maximum individual approach to each person. At the very beginning, our experts do not know your strength level, so knowing your maximum weight may be important information for them. The Chest Press Calculator allows you to easily check your capabilities. What’s more, this knowledge allows us – MIND YOUR BODY trainers – to even better match the training loads that are relevant to you, which are key in the process of achieving your short and long-term goals. The more we know about you, the more effective we can help you!

Barbell Squeezing while lying down – correct execution

It is widely known that proper exercise is extremely important not only for health, but also for the effectiveness of the training itself. Pressing the bar while lying down is often done incorrectly, which can lead to unnecessary injuries. The bench press calculator determines your maximum weight, and the very definition of the maximum weight is nothing else than a load with which you can technically correctly (!) Perform one repetition. The main thing is to avoid basic mistakes. The most common abnormalities include: lack of straightening of the arms at the elbows or, on the contrary, excessive hyperextension, moving the shoulders forward, lifting the buttocks off the bench, abnormal breathing, lifting the feet and legs above the ground. Our trainers will explain in detail and demonstrate how to properly perform this complex exercise so that it brings the best results.

Force converter – choice of load

Odpowiedni dobór obciążenia jest istotny, gdyż ma bezpośredni wpływ na skuteczność treningu. Jeżeli kalkulator siły wyznaczył Twój ciężar maksymalny, to teraz warto wiedzieć, co z nim zrobić. Należy zacząć od tego, że nie ma dużego sensu ćwiczenie siłowe z ciężarem, którego wartość jest mniejsza niż połowa Twojego ciężaru maksymalnego. Taki trening jest nieefektywny. Orientacyjnie, aby poprawić wytrzymałość, należy używać podczas treningów obciążenia o wartości około 60% Twojego ciężaru maksymalnego. Z kolei, jeżeli zaczniesz na treningach podnosić sztangę z obciążeniem o wartości 95% ciężaru maksymalnego, to trenując systematycznie, możesz liczyć na znaczne zwiększenie siły mięśniowej. Oczywiście wszystko zależy też od liczby powtórzeń i ilości serii, jednak w doborze tych parametrów doradzą Ci nasi trenerzy.

Weight and training efficiency

Many people think that the greater the weight, the more effective the training. It is worth remembering that this is not entirely true, and in some situations it is even very harmful thinking that can lead to injury, aggravation of the disease or the creation of permanent, incorrect movement patterns. It is the result of putting too much strain on the part of the body. In rehabilitation, as in any strength training, there are no shortcuts and sometimes you need to spend a lot of time and sweat a lot to get to your goal. Patience, initial motivation, and then forming habits and self-discipline are important. Our team of MIND YOUR BODY experts will help you in everything – you only need to trust us! Our offer includes not only personal training, but also dietary care, physiotherapy and massage, as well as psychological care, which is extremely important, especially in the case of long-term convalescence.
