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Amber Van Der Kruit


Enthusiastic and energetic are two words that describe me best. I spend most of my time studying, learning more about exercise and health. Besides working out, I enjoy a good book and nice, healthy food. 

Qualificationsgraduate of physiotherapy at the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw
Sports practicedacrobatics and athletics
Hobbyreading, working out

Amber Van Der Kruit



Enthusiastic and energetic are two words that describe me best. I spend most of my time studying, learning more about exercise and health. Besides working out, I enjoy a good book and nice, healthy food. 

Qualificationsgraduate of physiotherapy at the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw
Sports practicedacrobatics and athletics
Hobbyreading, working out


I am a graduated physiotherapist from the Netherlands and have worked with many different types of cliënts during my internships. When I was younger, I never had any affinity with sports. I was around 16 when I found out that exercise and health are my passion. I loved learning about it more and more every day and with that came my motivation to exercise. Since then I have done several sports including swimming, running and Tae-Kwondo, but weight training is the one that stuck. 
When training with clients, I like to focus on goal-setting and figuring out what you need to accomplish those goals. I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all method and will try to aid you in achieving your goals the best way possible.

Meet Amber